Sunday, May 1, 2011

Engineering Pvt Ltd

             Well aren't we all creators ? Or are we all a part of the colossal rat race to be corporate slaves and aspire for higher pay packages, and instead of attempting to emulate Steve Jobs, hope that we slog in APPLE, work FOR him instead of WITH him. Shame that we, the flag bearers of technological enhancement, the major innovators who lead to the upliftment of the standard of life and are perpetually standardized, rather institutionalized leading to a significant depreciation in one’s attentiveness and hence triggering further lack in the quality of engineers of today!
           Furthermore, why pursue engineering in India with unmotivated professors and disinterested pupils when one have Noble laureates to take classes for oneself in the states, So, Is the solution, RUN AWAY TO THE STATES and promote the rampaging brain drain in India. Well understandably not...So HIKE THE FEES ?! AND HAVE BETTER EDUCATORS ?! Again obviously not, as the average Indian cannot pay high fees for college ...CONSEQUENTLY to stop the stereotyping of engineers, have auxiliary screening of teachers and have them learn the soft skills of coaching. Let us not look down on the journalists, and lawyers, and economists and the fine arts " losers ", and make engineering and medicine the be all and the end all of life. And till the system in India of frustrated teachers compelling the brightest minds in India to cram age old derivations ends, and our evaluation hierarchy modifies itself to test whether how much we can comprehend and grasp instead of how much we can retain, the quality of engineering in India will always lag behind and always the child who is a little street smart will steer clear of the IITS  to Princeton, and Yale, and MIT , will get a superior education and enhanced opportunities than the son of a farmer who can clear the most challenging exam in the world, the IITJEE, but does not get as respectable an education, due to dearth of exposure, and STILL misses out as the engineering schools in India suck the time and effort right out of him,  as he targets higher and higher pay packages and his entire life spirals en route to the 9 pointer he didn't want to be.
               So the dream of innovation, and technology, and upliftment, and creation that one had will ultimately boil down to burnt out engineers who are working towards paycheques and hence another generation of let-down failures are created and India gains ZILCH from the excises that a 1.16 billion people pay.
                A gradual decrease in the seats reserved should also be taken into order, particularly in the bottle-necked IITs as we are merely depreciating the quality of engineers and even the competent ones who make it, are disgraced and their effort is belittled. If not eliminate it altogether, It should at least be lessened, a 48% is not a modest reservation...It leads to a scarcity of seats in the general category.
                Pity Pity education in India, Pity on all of us who know this and do nothing about it. Pity on those corporate slaves who would have been the burning torches of novelty and inventions ! Pity on those 1.16 billion individuals who are naively feeding that system  which governs the imminent future of the Einsteins  of tomorrow. The augmented reality , that “ Indian education is better than education abroad” is fabricated . Damn.

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